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If you have been denied at the initial and reconsideration level, you are probably asking yourself why keep going? Making your case in front of a judge may be a nerve-wracking experience for you, but this stage of the application process offers the highest chance of approval. More than half of all cases in front of a judge ended in approval in 2022 — the national average approval rate was 54%.

Working with Dedicated Disability can and will increase your odds of winning your case. We know the process from the inside out, and we know the best way to present your case. We will fight tooth and nail to help ensure you walk away with an approval

Hearing Preparation

We will gather all evidence available. We will organize all the information, prepare hearing briefs, sit down one on one with you to go over important topics and ideas that will be presented at your hearing, and most importantly, be present with you at the hearing to fight for your benefits.

Ways To Present

SSA now offers several options to present your case.

Video - We conduct your hearing using Microsoft Teams and we are able to present your case electronically.

Telephone - We place all parties on a phone conference and discuss your case through phone conversation

In person - We go to your local Hearings Office and present our case directly in front of the judge


Each of these options presents its pros and cons. We will discuss these prior to your hearing to weigh our options and pick the best one to present your case.

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