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Witness In Courtroom

Appealing an Initial Decision

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), the average acceptance rate of initial applications is 22 percent, and approximately 63 percent of SSDI applications are denied. It is important to keep in mind that just because your case was denied it does not mean your case does not have merit. There are many different reasons why your case was not approved. Understanding why these applications are not approved will be the key moving forward. Dedicated Disability will review your case to understand why your initial application was denied. From there we will build a roadmap to a favorable outcome, give you recommendations, and help explain why the case was denied in the first place.


Lets start with a review of your case

Reasons why your case might have been denied

  • Lack Of Medical Evidence -  An applicant must have strong medical evidence from their professionals documenting their disabling conditions and how it is preventing them from working. Many applications are denied for lack of sufficient medical documentation of the disability.

  • Prior Denial - Some people make the mistake of just filing a new application if their initial one is denied rather than filing an appeal. This approach actually increases the likelihood that their application will be denied.

  • Earning Too Much - SSDI benefits are for people who are unable to work. If an applicant continues to work and earns too much money, this would make them ineligible for benefits. People can only earn up to a certain threshold in wages when receiving applying for benefits.

  • Failure to follow treatment advice - Also known as medical compliance. If a person is not following their doctor’s advice on their treatment plan for their disabling condition(s) or there are gaps in medical care, their application will most likely be denied. The SSA examiner would argue that it is not possible to determine whether the person is disabled if they are not following their prescribed medical treatment.

  • Failure to cooperate - If a person ignores requests for additional information or otherwise fails to cooperate during the SSA’s application process, their claim for SSDI will not be approved.

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